TASP Webinars

TASP Webinars are run on  regualar basis, taking place EVERY 4th Monday of each month at 4:00pm to 5:15pm. Do add this as a re-occuring appointment in your diary, so you can keep it free if of interest! On occasion, we are required to move these dates, due to availablilty from speakers or because of other clashing events. We will provide as much notice as possible of any changes and you can always check here to see what webinars are coming up.

Our webinars are member driven, so do keep sharing ideas and concerns. If you haven't joined TASP yet, please do consider membership to help us help you.

We believe that all the challenges discussed in our webinars are linked in many ways. We hope you will join us for the next webinar and contribute to our discussion and learning. To register in advance, use the links. Confirmation emails with your links to join are automatic after registering. 

In addition, TASP members can log into our website at any time and watch the recorded webinar sessions, if they were unable to attend, or wanted to go back to view a particular part of a discussion. The past webinars are listed below. The link, slides of presentations and all support materials from these events are only available to members. If you are interested in joining, there is more information here.

Interested to See what our webinars are like?

We have made Webinar 45, The Vulnerability Hub: the Humberside Police Experience webinar open to all to offer an opportunity to see the format and how we support colleagues to present thematic topics of interest to Safeguarding Professionals and generate a facilitated discussion. You can watch the webinar here.

If you have a topic that you would like to present, or indeed hear about, please get in touch with Alison by emailing [email protected].



Operation Encompass: Impacting Change for Policing and Social Care


Monday, 23rd September 2024 from 4:00pm to 5:15pm

In May 2024 Royal Assent was granted to the Victims & Prisoners Act. The new act placed Operation Encompass into Law and puts a statutory obligation on Police Forces to share information about domestic abuse in family homes with schools and other educational settings where the children impacted by Domestic Abuse are pupils.

This began as a small pilot in Torpoint Cornwall, which was the brain child of a visionary head teacher and her police sergeant husband. These founders,  Elizabeth and David Carney-Haworth, will join us to describe their vision, how it came to be a national programme, why it protects children and what needs to happen at a partnership level now Operation Encompass is enshrined in law.

 Please register for this event using the link above. 


We were joined by Shahnawaz Haque, an Islam-based Psychotherapist and Imam who discussed Community Safeguarding from an Islamic Perspective. Colleagues reflected on successes and challenges for Local Partnerships by sharing their thoughts and experiences.  Click on the image to access the slides and watch the webinar.






We were joined by the Humberside Police who shared their innovative Vulnerability Hub. Launched in 2022, the Vulnerability Hub focuses on early intervention, prevention, and diversion to reduce the demand on all partner agencies' front doors. In the webinar  we learnt about the programme, its challenges, and successes.


We were joined by Tim Woodings, from Bexley S.H.I.E.L.D. who shared their process for developing a multi-agency strategy on Early Help.

The session was well received and it was an excellent opportunity for colleagues to share their own examples. To follow the discussion and see the forum notes, and watch the session, please click on the slide above.

Webinar 41

Colleagues joined us for a collaborative discussion on what aspects of Working Together 2023 they were pleased to see and what changes were raising challenges as well as how Partnerships are hoping to respond to both.

The session was a popular one and a wide range of feedback was received in our forum which we aim to use to consider a TASP response as well as other support we may be able to offer colleagues.

To see the forum notes and watch the session, please click on the slide above.

Webinar 40

We were joined by Jasvinder Sanghera, National Rights Campaigner, to discuss the role Grandparents play in Safeguarding Children in relation to Kinship Care Arrangements.

To see the slides, access the forum notes and watch the webinar, please click on the slide above.

Webinar 38



Jenny Driscoll, Lisa Bostock and Ann Lorek joined us to give an update on the MACS Evaluation Survey. A reminder of the project aims and objectives was covered as well as reviewing response rates and targets. Colleagues contributed on the importance of the project and how collectively the message can be conveyed.

The slides and a summary video are available by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 36


In this webinar we were joined by Lead Civil Servants from the DfE, who gave as un update on their Safeguarding Reform Programme. They talked through their planned actions to help improve multi-agency leadership and they explored with colleagues what support is needed to increase the voice of education in multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 34

We were joined by Lisa Jennings and Chris Leahy from the Safeguarding Policy Team in the Ministry of Defence who went through how the MOD safeguarding services are structured, what the Welfare Services look like and what the implications are for families going abroad and/or being left behind. They also covered their Domestic Abuse Programme and explaned how they work as a conduit for information between the local authority and the MOD. 

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 32



We were joined by Dr John Coleman who discussed key changes in the brain during the teenage years and how this is relevant to a range of social issues.

A discussion also took place around The Policy issues for:

  • Mental Health
  • Education
  • Policing
  • Children's Services

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 29


In Webinar 28 we were joined by Martin Barrow, campaigning journalist and editor of Week in Care. Martin relected on the impact of the CMA Interim report of 2021 on Children's Social Care and colleagues discussed challenges locally and gave examples of good practice in place.The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 27

We were joined by Claudia Bernard, Professor of Social Work in Social, Therapeutic & Community Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London. Claudia explained how Intersectionality impacts our everyday practice with children, young people and families. Particularly how it can be used to examine multiple forms of inequalities and the complexities and questions that they give rise to, in Safeguarding Children and Young People.

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.


Webinar 25

We were joined by Lorraine Parker, Jenny Pearce, Iona Stratton and Alison Thorpe to run through the emerging findings to our Independent Scrutiny Survey. This focused 6-month project aimed to share knowledge across the Safeguarding Children Sector about WHAT is being scrutinised and HOW.  The Webinar discussed findings, themes and next steps surrounding research into LSCPs Scrutiny arrangements.The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above

Webinar 23

In Webinar 23 we were joined by Phil Brewer (Specialist Advisor to Human Trafficking Foundation) and Dr Patricia Hynes (Professor of Social Justice/Sheffield Hallam) to hear some of the evidence base around Modern Slavery and the issues in carrying out research in this area as well as the practical elements of safeguarding children in the context. Colleagues also discussed issues locally and provided feedback through our Webinar Forum. The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 21


We were joined by Peter Green to lead a session on Child Suicide and Self Harm. Chris Miller, a TASP Trustee also provided some facts and data to open up the webinar. The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.




Webinar 19

We were joined by Mark Gurrey from the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel to discuss his report on "The Myth of Invisible Men" Safeguarding Children under 1 from non-accidental injury caused by male carers. The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 17

We were joined by Kat Banyard, from UK Feminista, Peter Bieneman from Harrow School and Simon Bailey, Norfolk's Chief Constable to discuss Sexual Harassment in Schools.
    •     Kat Banyard covered Combating Sexual Abuse in Schools
    •    Peter Bieneman from Harrow School, spoke on behalf of a number of Public Schools on Sexism in School - Reviewing the Issues and working on anti-sexism plans
    •    Simon Bailey discussed Sexual Abuse; driving behaviours and managing allegations. The Webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above. 

Webinar 13

In our first webinar of 2021 we aimed to provide a review of some upcoming topics of interest as well as provide a "health check" for Partnerships, with an open conversation with webinar attendees sharing issues and concerns and highlights of what is working and what there is to look forward to in 2021. Specifcally, Chris Miller provided a Domestic Abuse Bill update and Laura Anderson joined us from the DWP to explain a new safeguarding stream of work. The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and reports are all available to TASP Members by clicking on the image above


Nicky Pace (Independent Scrutineer) and Steve Hall (the Chair of the National LADO Network) joined us to examine the role of Local Authority Designated Officers (LADOs) and their crucial role in safeguarding. 



In this event, we reviewed the LADO process and explored the challenges for Safeguarding Partnerships. Colleagues also participated in an activity to discuss the levels of scrutiny and transparency surrounding the LADO process within their own local safeguarding partnerships.


Webinar 37

Aimee Hutchinson from PACT and Corin Morgan-Armstrong fron the Invisible Walls Family Service Project joined us to share insights into the journey experienced by children involved in the justice system and the challenges they face. 

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 35


In this webinar we introduced colleagues to our latest collaborative research project - the MACS Multi-Agency Child Safeguarding Evaluation.

This project is initiated by DHSC and funded by NIHR and is led by experienced academics from Kings College and the University of Bedfordshire in partnership with TASP, and Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership Young Advisors, and in collaboration with the Family Rights Group and the Association of Child Protection Professionals.

Colleagues attending also contributed their thoughts and insight in what makes for an effective Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and provided feedback on how their partnerships are currently monitoring progress and/or how they felt we could monitor future progress.

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 33


We were joined by Dr Roma Thomas who joined us to discuss the findings of her thesis, which examines the perspectives of a group of teenage boys, marginalised through school exclusion. It explores how the practice of professionals, including teachers, teaching assistants, social works and multi-disciplinary professionals, can contribute to possibilities for excluded boys. It also explores the contradictory context of the Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) and how this can contribute to conditions of impossibility for excluded boys. Colleagues were able to reflect on what this may mean in their local areas.

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 30


In Webinar 30 we were joined by Lorraine Parker, Jenny Pearce, Iona Stratton and Alison Thorpe to reflect on and discuss the completed work of the project commissioned by the Vulnerability, Knowledge and Practice Programme and delivered in partnership with Bedfordshire University, Safer Young Lives Research Centre and The Association of Safeguarding Partners. The webinar discussed the final report and resources from the project and offered an opportunity to ask questions, share views and contribute to discussions about "what next?"

Webinar 28

In Webinar 28 we were joined by Tracey Watkinson and Nathalie Ballard from the Church of England's National Safeguarding Team. The event explored with colleagues how to improve information sharing at local levels between statutory partners and church bodies. It was a valuable opportunity for colleagues to discuss implications for arrangements in their local area, and discuss challenges and issues. The discussion was in response to the findings of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and the requirement to ensure information-sharing protocols are in place at a local level.

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 26

We were joined by “The 2 Johns” from eSafetyTraining. Over the last couple of years they have delivered their "Walk Online Roadshow" to 100,000s of young people and they run "Parent and Teacher" events regularly which gives them a wealth of knowledge about what young people know and understand and where the training and education system struggles. They shared some insights on the current situation and encouraged colleagues to consider what systems are in place in local partnerships, to assess the risks and gaps and determine what partnerships can do locally and collectively to improve outcomes.

The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 24


In Webinar 24 3 we were joined by Beth Tarleton, Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol and Nadine Tilbury Policy Officer for the Working Together with Parents Network  who were able to share some research on positive support for parents with learning difficulties as well as discuss some of the policy and legal frameworks around this area. They shared a range of support materials too, during this discussion.  The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 22

In Webinar 22, we supported the Department of Health and Social Care deliver the Webinar "Talking Heads: ICSs and your questions answered". We were joined by Kenny Gibson and Catherine Randall from NHS England; Justin Srivastava from Lancashire Constabulary; Lucy Booth and Rachel Skingle from the Department of Health and Social Care and Jane Shuttleworth, an Indendent Consultant. Helen Adams and Lorraine Parker, the National Health and Police Facilitators (respectively) chaired the webinar and Steve Bather facilitated the Q&A.  Full details about the panel and all supporting documentation (the video, the slides, the forum report and all discussed materials) are available on a dedicated page here. This webinar is an open page to any colleagues in Safeguarding who wish to watch the event, if they missed it, or revisit some of the shared practice, for those attending.

Webinar 20


We were joined byJosh MacAlister from the Independent Review of Children's Social Care in England. Josh summarised the Review Phases and the Case for Change. Colleagues discussed how Safeguarding Partners work together to deliver both help and protection in the children's social care system and had a further discussion on how safeguarding partners work together to ensure there is an adequate system to protect young people from harm outside of the home.

Webinar 18

We were joined by Baroness Grey-Thompson and Dr Daniel Rhind to discuss Safeguarding in Sports. The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and report are available to TASP members by clicking on the image above.

Webinar 11

We invited Sir Alan Wood to  to update us on his review of Multi-agency Safeguarding and and have an open conversation regarding his plans for stage 2 of this review. The conversation worked within the framework of four key topics.

  • Structural
  • Leadership
  • Impact on Practice
  • Independence & Scrutiny

As part of TASP's ongoing conversations, we collated feedback from colleagues for these areas and any other miscellaneous points for consideration. These were fed back to Sir Alan. The ongoing forum remains open, until 12th November, for all colleagues to continue to provide their experiences and issues. Colleagues can do so here

Richard Burrows and Jenny Pearce, TASP Trustees, also fed back interim results on TASP's Independence and Scrutiny Survey.

Webinar 10

We invited Dr Aisha Hutchinson & Dr Jenny Driscoll from Kings College to update us on their research, having spoken to us on Webinar 5, followed by a discussion on
how Partnerships approach Independent Scrutiny. Jenny Pearce, an Independent Scrutineer and Trustee of TASP was joined by Nicky Pace (also a Scrutineer) to lead the discussion. The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and reports are all available to TASP Members by clicking on the image below. As part of the project, TASP is also undergoing a short research project to capture the range of interpretations of the IS requirement and issues Safeguarding Partnerships have in relation to new arrangements. The result of this survey will also be shared with Members shortly.

Webinar 9

Back and refreshed from a summer break, Webinar 9  brought two speakers; Margaret Mulholland, from the Associations of School and College Leaders ASCL, who is their national lead on SEND (among other things) and Tracy McAspurn, from the Quality Improvement and Support Team in Calderdale. The webinar is available to watch, and the slides and reports are all available to TASP Members by clicking on the image above.